The SSRU Guidelines for Writing an English Abstract for a PhD (Doctoral) Thesis
1. It is not necessary to omit any articles in a thesis title. Articles are needed if they make a title grammatically correct.
2. A minimum of three keywords is required.
3. Generally, past tenses should be used in writing an abstract. However, present tenses may be used when describing realities such as teachings of a particular religion. Moreover, present tenses can also be used in writing the research background/significance and research contribution and implication.
4. An abstract must consist of five main components including:
4.1 Research background/significance
4.2 Research objective(s)
4.3 Research methodology in which a research design, sample, sample size, a sampling 4.4 technique, criteria for determining a sample size, and how to collect and analyze data must be clearly stated.
4.4 Research findings
4.5 Research contribution/implication
5. It should contain a maximum of 300-500 words.
6. It should be in only one paragraph.